Costume Design
For many years I specialised on replicating existing designs and translating characters from video games and cartoons into physical wearable products. However in the past few years I have been working on designing and making my own original costumes.
World building is vital when designing individual characters and is something I am always excited about when working on a design project. I love to think about different ways that costume can be used in performance and of ways that they could be developed into a physical product.
A collaboration with with Hair, Makeup & Prosthetics and 3DFX students, we took the 1930's film "The Island of Lost Souls" and re-imagined it as a feature film in 2020.
Here I have my designs for three characters within the universe we developed which made sure to focus on incorporating the specialist skills from my team.

A design project where I researched into ancient Noh theatre- specifically the play "Ikuta" and developed it in ways to modernise it for a contemporary audience.
I personally re-imagined it into an Interactive Theatre space combined with cabaret and burlesque themes